No matter what model Compaq desktop computer our own, learning some basic troubleshooting skills can save we a lot of time and money. After initial warranty period expires, professional service on a Compaq may be quite costly, and time consuming as well. A number of things can be gone wrong on a Compaq desktop, so it is the best to use a step by step approach when troubleshooting problems.
Things for Need
· Small screwdriver set
· Anti-static wrist strap
· Compressed air
1. Shut down to the Compaq desktop and remove all peripherals attached to it. Peripherals can be included scanners, printers, USB hubs and external hard drives. Many of the problems with Compaq desktops are caused by the malfunctioning hardware.
2. Run to the Compaq desktop with no peripherals attached. Attach one peripheral at a time until we begin experiencing problems. To be downloaded and install a new driver for the problem hardware to see if that resolves the issue.
3. Log on to your Compaq desktop and right-click "My Computer." Choose "Properties" and go to the "Hardware" tab.
4. Click the "Device Manager" button and expand the plus sign next to each hardware category. Right-click any device showing a yellow question mark or red exclamation point, and choose "Update driver." The yellow and red marks are indications that a particular piece of hardware is not functioning properly.
5. Shut down to the Compaq desktop and locate of the case removal lever. The position of lever varies from model to model. Some Compaq desktops are placing the case removal lever on the top of the unit, while another’s place it on the side. In some cases, we might need to remove four retaining screws from to the back of the case to allow for the case to be removed.
6. Place an anti-static wrist strap around our wrist and attach the clip on the end to the computer case. This will discharge any kinds of static electricity and prevent it from damaging the electronic components inside to the computer.
7. Check of the area around the power supply and the fan for dust and debris. Compaq desktops tend to the suck lots of dirt into the case to the fan runs, and this accumulation of dust and dirt can be cause the computer to run hot.
8. Spray to the area around the fan and the power supply with the compressed air. Spray to any other areas where the dust and debris have accumulated.